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PARSE NOLA - Fall 2019 Announcements


Upcoming Residency Maija Rudovska

Maija Rudovska will be in residence at PARSE NOLA October 10 – November 12, 2019! Rudovska is an independent curator and researcher who runs Blind Carbon Copy, an arts organization in Riga, Latvia. Her practice is shaped by independent curation, research, art criticism, and writing. The focus of her work is intermediation and stimulation of relationships and communication between different spaces, contexts, individuals, and institutions in the Baltic-Nordic region. She is particularly interested in hybridity, identity, and in-betweenness, and advocates for self-organized, independent practices. In New Orleans she will be conducting studio visits and meeting with artists, writers, curators, and other cultural producers in the city. Stay tuned for further details about a public presentation towards the end of her stay. Her residency is supported by CEC Artslink.


New Logo

We are so excited to share with you our amazing new logo! PARSE NOLA commissioned artist and designer Julie Morel to create a unique typeface and service mark for the organization, which will replace our previous logo on all print and online materials as well as tote bags and other cool stuff we’ll be producing very soon!


PARSE NOLA in France

PARSE NOLA Director, Amy Mackie, will be a curator-in-residence at INCIDENT.RES in Briant, France in June 2020. Thanks to Julie Morel and funding from the French Ministry of Culture (DRAC), Mackie will be in France for two weeks to conduct studio visits and engage in research in the hopes of pursuing future collaborations with French artists, curators, writers, and organizations.


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