Photo by Andrejs Strokins
Maija Rudovska is an independent curator and researcher who runs Blind Carbon Copy, an arts organization in Riga, Latvia. Her practice is shaped by independent curation, research, art criticism, and writing. The focus of her work is intermediation and stimulation of relationships and communication between different spaces, contexts, individuals, and institutions in the Baltic-Nordic region. She is particularly interested in hybridity, identity, and in-betweenness, and advocates for self-organized, independent practices.
Rudovska holds an MA degree in art history from The Art Academy of Latvia (2009) and has completed postgraduate studies in curating in Curatorlab at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm (2009/2010). She subsequently did three years of PhD research about Soviet architecture. She has worked extensively in the Baltic-Nordic region, as well as internationally, curating exhibitions and projects at Foundation Ricard (FR), Bozar Centre for Fine Arts (BE), Kim? Contemporary Art Centre (LV), Moderna Museet (SE), Contemporary Art Centre (LT), The Living Art Museum (IS), Augusta Gallery (FI), ARS Project Space (EE), etc. Recently she has launched an alternative education program The Season of Learning. Since 2011 she has been running the network platform Blind Carbon Copy that focuses on network building models, alternative education, and work strategies between curators, artists, and other practitioners.​
Rudovska has written for FlashArt, SelectionArts, Calvert, Guardian, Echo Gone Wrong, among other printed or online magazines, as well as books and exhibition catalogues. Her review Without regret. Without risk about Manifesta 10 was published in International Awards for Art Criticism (Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum and Royal College of Art) in 2015.
In New Orleans she will be conducting studio visits and meeting with artists, writers, curators, and other cultural producers in the city. Stay tuned for further details about a public presentation towards the end of her stay.
She is a curator in residence at PARSE NOLA October 10 - November 12, 2019. Her residency is supported by CEC Artslink.